
Hope the Bald Eagle

Hope's release! 
What an amazing and humbling experience this has been. Dr. Shad Wilkerson saved this sweet bird from shock and eminent death with his life saving medicine skills and took a leap of faith to do something unheard of...dream that she could be free again when her spinal cord lesion was so severe. From holding a wild helpless bird who could not sit up, to seeing her talons move for the first time. For every prayer prayed over her to respond to both acupuncture and physical therapy. The first time she resisted Erin on her therapy exercises, the first time she gripped with her talons. The time I didn't have to give and that God graciously gave me to help a colleague with this challenging case as well as to help give Hope a new life. For her fight and spirit as she grew stronger and still allowed me to use acupuncture for her. From early morning fishing for her to teach her to catch live prey again. From making fish sickles to do therapy with her to get to use her talons again. From the secret place she was kept until the zoo could take her and then getting to perform acupuncture on her at the zoo. Then her transport to Wild Heart Ranch and their funding for her flight cage being raised in record time. The last time she let me acupuncture her there was an amazing understanding that she didn't need me anymore...she knew she had to do the rest. Getting to go out and watch her practice flying. Watching as she never gave up. All of these things I will store deep in my heart. Thank you Hope for allowing me to help you! 
Thank you Shad for taking that huge leap of faith and not laughing at me when I showed up wearing a baby on my back to do acupuncture on this majestic bird. Thank you Annette for allowing me to help the little raccoon in need of "something more". Thank you Leslie for letting me come over in the wee hours of dark to work with Hope. 
Thank you Dr Backues and Dr. Jenn for allowing me to perform acupuncture in your facility and for continuing to call me out to help her in your care. 
So many times in life people tell us we can't. Maybe we can all learn a lesson from sweet Hope...no matter what life throws at you...have hope, continue to work through it and never give up!

Max a beautiful german shepherd, was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy 2 1/2 years ago.  The condition progresses within 6-8 months and the animals lose ability to walk and bladder/bowel control.  Max has been treated with acupuncture and is still up and walking/running after 2 1/2 years!  

Jack is a handsome dachshund who woke up paralyzed.  His owner was told that the only treatment option for Jack was to be euthanized.  After 4 treatments with acupuncture, Jack is running around still active and full of life!

Max the cat was on the verge of euthanasia secondary to pain.  He has a wonderful mother and veterinarian who had him on the best pain medicine possible, however, Max was hiding, and would not jump up on anything.  After one treatment Max was on the bed and counters again!  What an affectionate kitty he has turned out to be!  He still receives acupuncture monthly to keep him tuned up and rolls over and purrs during his sessions.